Since I've already set my mind to bake a muffin tonite, I still have to do it. Otherwise I would be surrounded with this unpleasant feelings around me......and I dont think i would like to be in that situation. So, I flip through my "kitab" to look for a recipe which does not require any baking powder. That's how I end up with this Double Chocolate Muffins. It's a very easy recipe with a normal kindof ingredients. The method is even more easier. You just have to dumb everything in & mix them well......oh yeah, it is THAT easy.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Double Chocolate Muffin
Since I've already set my mind to bake a muffin tonite, I still have to do it. Otherwise I would be surrounded with this unpleasant feelings around me......and I dont think i would like to be in that situation. So, I flip through my "kitab" to look for a recipe which does not require any baking powder. That's how I end up with this Double Chocolate Muffins. It's a very easy recipe with a normal kindof ingredients. The method is even more easier. You just have to dumb everything in & mix them well......oh yeah, it is THAT easy.
Crab & Tanghoon Soup
To make it more interesting & not so plain, I've added the Sweet Peas & Japanese Tofu. It turned out to be quite okay actually. Not bad for an instant food....not bad at all. Me & Marsya did enjoyed the soup very much.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Seafood Tomyam Spaghetti
1 can of Prego Tomyam sauce
8 - 10 prawns, shelled
4 medium sized squids, cut
1 Bombay onion, diced
3 garlics, crushed
2 tomatoes, diced
8 - 10 cili padi, slightly pounded
6 button mushrooms, sliced
5 - 6 kaffir lime leaves, shredded
How To
First, heat oil in pan and fry the onion & garlic till fragrant.
Then add in the cili padi. & continue frying till the chillies are soften.
Now, add the mushrooms & tomatoes. Fry for a 1 more minute.
Add in the prawns & squids & fry for a while. Dont overcook.
Then, put in the sauce & lime leaves. Add a bit of water if the sauce is too thick.
Finally, add salt & sugar to taste. Wallah ! There goes your Seafood Tomyam Spaghetti.......looks very tempting kan?
p/s The sauce taste really good - very fusion. A mixture of the east & west. Highly recommended !
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Greenlace Cookies
He kept on eating it....piece after piece, which according to Ain, not his normal appetite . He really enjoyed eating those cookies & that that definately makes me happy. I even tapau some for him to bring back home since he really loved it. Ain told me later that he finished them all that very night itself! Cool.......
So Ain, a piece of advice to you dear. Since Aidang loves this cookies very much, why not make him a happier kid by baking some for him. I'm sure he'll be very delighted to see his favourite green cookies in the jar at his very own home......dont you think so? :)
As a favour to my dear fren Ain, I'm gonna post the recipe here for her. Happy Baking!!
120 gm butter
20 gm shortening
80 gm castor sugar
Ingredients B
180 gm flour
30 gm Hon Kwee flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
30 gm Marie bicuits, blend finely
20 gm blended hazelnuts
Green colouring
White chocolate
Coloured rice
How To
Mix well ingredients A. Combine thoroughly with ingredients B until you get a soft dough.
Roll out the dough & cut into your desired shapes. Bake in the oven @ 180 Deg. C for approximately 15 minutes .
Cool on a wire rack. Decorate biscuits with white chocolate & coloured rice.
p/s This recipe was contributed by Zaiima from the Cari Food & Recipes Forum
Japanese Beancurd
2 tiub tofu Jepun
Tofu dipotong bulat & digoreng hingga kuning keemasan
Panaskan sedikit minyak dalam kuali, tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih hingga wangi. Masukkan cendawan, capsicum dan snow peas. Kacau rata.
Masukkan bahan sos dan gaul hingga rata. Pekatkan kuah dengan bancuhan tepung jagung. Kepekatan bergantung pada kehendak masing-masing.
Susun tofu yang telah digoreng tadi dlm pinggan, tuang kuah bersama sayur2ran tadi atas tofu, ratakan.
Tabur hirisan daun bawang dan hidangkan panas...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Seafood Tomyam
- 400 gm of seafood (I've used prawns & squids)
- 8 stalks of lemongrass, squashed
- 1 in2 galangal, crushed
- 3-4 kaffir lime leaves
- I big size of Bombay onion, sliced
- 6 garlics, pounded
- 8 - 10 cili padi, crushed
- 2.5 litres plain water
- 2 tablespoons Tom Yam paste
- 2 tablespoons lime juice
- Vegetables (carrot, cauliflower, celery, mushrooms)
- Heat oil & fry the garlic & galangal till fragrant. Add water.
- Put in the lemongrass & lime leaves and wait till it boils.
- Then put in the tom yam paste & carrots. Wait for a few minutes before putting in the cauliflower (coz the carrot takes a longer time to get soften).
- Later, put in the seafood & chillies. Followed by the lime juice, onion & mushrooms.
- Finally, the celery and dont forget to put salt & sugar to taste.
- Your Seafood Tom Yam is now ready to be served....enjoy !