Do you eat chicken feet? Me & Marsya loves them so much....it's so yummy! I know some people dun like them - dirty they said. Well, to those people who dont eat chicken feet, you guys are missing a lot here, trust me.
There are lots of varieties you can do with these feets - masak kari, lemak cili api (dgn rebung pun sodappp), sup to name a few. This time I'm gonna share a very special recipe which I've got from a very special person. The recipe doesnt have a name though....so I'm gonna named it as Chicken Feet In Soy Sauce or in my mother tounge - Kaki Ayam Masak Kicap.
Chicken Feet In Soy Sauce
1/2 kg kaki ayam
Kicap masin & manis
1 inci kulit kayu manis
2 kelopak bunga lawang
1 camb black pepper, crushed
1 inci halia, dihiris halus
1 biji bwg besar, dimayang
3-4 bwg putih, crushed
1 keping asam gelugor (btw, how do we say this in english??)
3-4 keping fucuk
6-8 keping shitake mushrooms, sliced
(akak guna button mushroom since me no like shitake)
1 camb sesame oil
How To
Gaul kaki ayam ngan kicap2 & deep fried them. Kalau ada deep fryer, memang senang banyak la...... cam akak...wakawaka. Goreng sampai masak & garing.
Then, fry all onions, pepper & ginger till fragrant. Pastu, masukkan kicap secukup rasa & tambah sedikit air. Then add in the chicken feet & mushrooms. Pour the whole thing into a pressure cooker & cook for 10 mins. Kalau takde pressure cooker, masalah la skit....kena masak lama2 la atas api.
While waiting for the chicken, fry the fucuk in hot oil. Fucuk tu dipotong2 dulu, baru digoreng. Make sure api betul2 kecik - otherwise hangus fucuk tu nanti. One more thing - dun soak or wash the fucuk before frying them. It has to be fried dry - got it?
By the time you finish frying the fucuk, your 10 mins should be over already. Rasakan masin & manis ayam tu. Sebelum angkat, percikkan sedikit minyak bijan for the aroma.... wallauweh. Kalau tak suka kering sangat, tambah la air skit & vice versa.
Just before serving, put in the fried fucuk.
For all chicken feet lovers out there, this recipe is worth trying for. You'll be amazed with the outcome - itu kalau jadi la....hehehehe.....

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