I am terribly sleepy @ work today.....damn sleepy!!! I blame it on the weather - the weather today is meant for sleeping rather than being in the office working. How I'd wish I could snuggle under my blankie the whole day longggg....how nice!
Since I dont have anything interesting to share with you guys today, I'll just post a recipe then. Lagipun minggu ni memang takde entry resepi lagi kan? Resepi akak kali ni sempoi jer - Roti Telur Special. Sesuai untuk breakfast atau minum petang. Akak buat ni untuk breakfast harini.

Roti Telur Special
Roti Sandwich
2 biji telur
1 pokok daun ketumbar, dicincang
2 biji cili besar, dicincang
3 biji bwg merah, dicincang
150 ml fresh milk
Garam & lada sulah secukup rasa
- Pukul telur sedikit & masukkan semua bahan-bahan di atas, kecuali roti.
- Roti tu potong la to whatever shape you desire.
- Panaskan frying pan dgn sedikit minyak.
- Celupkan roti tadi dlm bancuhan telur & goreng - both sides.
- Bolehlah di ngappp !!!

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