Had a sudden craving for a Tandoori Chicken. So, rather than buying it, why not be a bit adventurous & try doing it myself. But since the craving is too great, I cant spare any more time browsing for the recipe in the net. So, got no choice but to make do with the instant Tandori mix from Maggi, which was not that bad after all.
Xpress Chicken Tandoori
2 whole chicken legs
1 packet of Maggi Tandoori mix
3 tbsp plain yogurt
1 tbsp chilli powder
1 tsp ginger paste
1 tbsp margarine
How To
- Make 2 -3 cuts on the meaty part of the chicken
- Marinate the chicken with all the ingredients for half an hour
- Spread the marinated chicken with margarine ( preferably Ghee but me no like)
- Then, grill it in the oven for approximately 30 minutes.
- Your Tandoori Chicken is ready to be served.

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