What would you do if you have gravy leftovers such as curry, asam pedas or even lemak kuning. You just cant toss it away in the sink - knowing the hours spent in preparing them and knowing that the taste is so good still. Your family wouldnt even look at it anymore as all the nice things (chicken, beef or fish) are no longer there. One way to deal with it is to dip the plain bread in it. It's like killing two birds with one stone - first, you dont waste the food & second, you can spare the headache thinking of what to prepare for breakfast.
Well, today I'm gonna share with you guys another way to make those leftover curries a better use. It's my own, original recipe created in the midst of cracking my head in a quest for a healthy & delicious breakie for Marsya. Marsya loves those original Mat Saleh's pancakes but unfortunately I dont (due to the high level of "kampung" quality in me, I supposed).
So what I did the other day is a fusion of pancake & cekodok. It's the east meeting the west, it seems. Hahaha....I like the introduction done on this special lempeng of mine. Anyway, that's exactly what it is ......just a mere lempeng, with a touch of modernization.
Unfortunately, I dont really measure the ingredients used to make this special dish. It's more like a campak2 kindof recipe. But then, it's a very straight forward recipe and I'm sure you wont screwed it up. Just follow your heart & you'll be ok. Here's the recipe then :
Savoury Pancake
2 cups of flour
1 egg, beaten
2 tbsp dried prawns
1 big onion
1 red chilli, julienne
1 stalk of chive, cut into 1/2 cm length
Enough amount of water
Salt to taste
How To
1. Soak the dried prawns for about 10 mins. to soften them
2. Blend the soaked prawns & onion using the dry blender.
3. Mix all ingredient together, including the water.
4. The mixture should be slightly thinner than the pancake mixture.
5. Heat the non-stick frying pan.
6. Scoop out a ladle of the mixture onto the pan.
7. Do not use any oil - it's a healthy meal, remember !
8. Make sure you spread out the mixture for a thin layer of pancake.
9. Flip over to the other side once it's done.
10. That's it !
Happy trying.....it's worth it. Marsya loved them & knowing how high her standard is, you're gonna love it too, I'm sure !

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