So why is the dish named that way? And what's with the sorrow thingy? The truth is, that's how I felt while preparing the pau.....huhuhu. I was browsing the net just before I decided to make these pau which brought me to a website of a mixed ( Malay + Caucasian ) couple. I was reading & reading & boy, this is one perfect couple, I said to myself.
The husband is so damn good looking , the kids are really gorgeous and she's just one plain Jane, to be honest. Yet, he loved her so very much ~ big sigh ~ Well, that's all I could do - sigh, sigh & continue sighing. I am very happy for the whole family while at the same time feeling tremendously envious with a dash of blue. Again.....sighing the longest sigh.
Anyway, back to my pau story. You didnt like it - it's hard, you said....huhuhu. C'mon, pau are best eaten warm. Of course it's hard coz it's already cold, my dear ( ayat cover line ni .....hehehe ). Anyway, for a first timer like me, I consider my pau a success, regardless of what my personal food critic says. Period.

Beef & Black Beans Pau
Source : Jane Chew

Ingredients A
300 gm Pau flour
150 gm fresh milk
50 gm castor sugar
1 1/2 tbsp shortening
1 tsp yeast
A pinch of salt
Ingredients B
1 tsp double acting baking powder
1 tbsp water
How To
1. Mix all ingredients A & knead for 8 - 10 mins till dough is smooth.
2. Cover with a piece of wet cloth & leave to prove until it has doubled in size.
3. Mix (b) together & pour into dough & knead well till it is smooth again.
4. Cover & allow dough to rest for another 15 mins before shaping.
5. Divide dough into 16 portions, around 36 gm each.
6. Wrap in fillings & seal tightly. ( I've made the red beans & beef fillings )
7. Place on a baking paper & arrange into steaming tray.
8. Prove for another 30 mins before steaming.
9. Steam at high flame for 10 mins. Allow a small gap by lifting the lid after steaming for 5 mins.
10. Turn off heat & let it sit undisturbed for another 3 - 5 mins.
11. Serve hot.
Source : Jane Chew
Ingredients A
300 gm Pau flour
150 gm fresh milk
50 gm castor sugar
1 1/2 tbsp shortening
1 tsp yeast
A pinch of salt
Ingredients B
1 tsp double acting baking powder
1 tbsp water
How To
1. Mix all ingredients A & knead for 8 - 10 mins till dough is smooth.
2. Cover with a piece of wet cloth & leave to prove until it has doubled in size.
3. Mix (b) together & pour into dough & knead well till it is smooth again.
4. Cover & allow dough to rest for another 15 mins before shaping.
5. Divide dough into 16 portions, around 36 gm each.
6. Wrap in fillings & seal tightly. ( I've made the red beans & beef fillings )
7. Place on a baking paper & arrange into steaming tray.
8. Prove for another 30 mins before steaming.
9. Steam at high flame for 10 mins. Allow a small gap by lifting the lid after steaming for 5 mins.
10. Turn off heat & let it sit undisturbed for another 3 - 5 mins.
11. Serve hot.