I've made this puffs once, a few years back when you were still too small to appreciate food. But then, it's a good thing that you didnt know much about food then since my first attempt to make these puffs was a complete failure. I can imagine your sarcastic remarks & looks after taken your first bite....euwwww scaryyy !!!
Anyway, this time around equipped with a few years cooking experience behind my back, I would say my Custard Puffs are a great success. My puffs shrunk the first time I did it but this time they are just perfect - crispy & puffy like they are supposed to be. And with these kindof puffs, I am more than pleased to present them to my personal food critics for I know I'll be getting a big hug from her !
Anyway, this time around equipped with a few years cooking experience behind my back, I would say my Custard Puffs are a great success. My puffs shrunk the first time I did it but this time they are just perfect - crispy & puffy like they are supposed to be. And with these kindof puffs, I am more than pleased to present them to my personal food critics for I know I'll be getting a big hug from her !
Custard Puffs
Source : HomeKreation
250 ml water
78 g butter
93 g Flour
4 eggs
How To
1. Place water & butter in a saucepan & boil.
2. Remove from heat & add flour, all at once.
3. Beat with wooden spatula until well mixed.
4. Return to heat & stir until smooth & non-sticky. Set aside to cool.
5. Beat in egg, one at a time until light.
6. Pipe or spoon onto greased baking tray.
7. Bake @ 250C for 10 mins, then 180C for 15 mins or till golden.
8. Inject custard filling.
Ingredients ( for the custard )
2 egg yolks
50 g castor sugar ( I add another 1 tbsp )
30 g flour
200 ml fresh milk
How To
1. Mix all ingredients & stir under low heat till mixture becomes thick & glossy.
2. Alternatively, microwave for 5 mins & stir every 1 min. ( anyway, I didnt try this method )

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