Marsya, your taste can be quite weird sometimes. You claim that you dont like mushrooms...fine. You dont eat those oyster mushrooms I put in the tom yam soup but you could eat them fried. You throw away those button mushrooms in the spaghetti sauce but you dig for the Enoki in the steamboat pot !
Anyway, I'm cooking your favourite mushroom today - not the way I usually did it though. Instead, this time I've cooked it as part of an omelette along with some long beans as a variety. I know you dont like egg that much but at least you can enjoy your Enoki !

Omelette With Long Beans & Enoki Mushrooms
Source : Belle du Chef
3 eggs
100 gm fresh Enoki mushrooms
4 stalks long beans, cut into 10 mm length
1/2 big onion, sliced
1 red chilli, julienne
3 tbsp fresh milk
1 tbsp mayonnaise
3 dash of pepper
1/2 tsp salt
How To
Beat the eggs with mayonnaise, milk, pepper & salt.
Heat oil & fry the onions & chilli till fragrant.
Put in the long beans & fry till it's half cooked.
Add in the mushrooms & fry for a while.
Pour in the egg mixture, making sure that it covers the whole vegetables.
Cover the pan & ensure that the flame is really small.
Fry till both side of the egg is cooked.

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