Paru or cow's lung is one of our favourite dish. Ada orang pantang makan organ2 dalaman camni tapi macam kita pulak, pantang jumpa....hahaha. Well, life is, we ought to enjoy it while can, right?
Paru is best cooked with sambal - though you can also makes rendang with it. In both occasions, the taste is simply awesome. The best Paru Goreng Berempah I've ever tasted was during my uni years where my housemate used to bring back some, as prepared by her Javanese auntie. It has a very strong coriander taste which blended so well with the lungs.
I've tried varieties of Paru Goreng Berempah's recipes but none of them could even get close to my friend's auntie's recipe. Hers is simply exceptional. This particular recipe I'm writing here is the best I could come up with. Well, takde rotan akar pun berguna, kan ?
Paru is best cooked with sambal - though you can also makes rendang with it. In both occasions, the taste is simply awesome. The best Paru Goreng Berempah I've ever tasted was during my uni years where my housemate used to bring back some, as prepared by her Javanese auntie. It has a very strong coriander taste which blended so well with the lungs.
I've tried varieties of Paru Goreng Berempah's recipes but none of them could even get close to my friend's auntie's recipe. Hers is simply exceptional. This particular recipe I'm writing here is the best I could come up with. Well, takde rotan akar pun berguna, kan ?
Paru Goreng Berempah
Source : Belle du Chef
500 gm cow's lung / paru
1 cm ginger, finely sliced
1 1/2 tbsp salt
To Be Pounded
1/2 tbsp coriander
1/2 tbsp aniseed
1/2 tbsp cumin
1 cm fresh tumeric
To Be Coarsely Blended
10 pcs dried chillies
4 pcs red chillies
1 big onion
How To
1. Boil the lungs with ginger & salt till tender. Then slice them approximately 5 mm thick.
2. Marinate the lung slices with the pounded spices & leave aside for 30 mins or more.
3. Deep fry the marinated lungs & set aside.
4. Using the same oil, fry the blended ingredients till fragrant.
5. Add salt & sugar to taste.
6. Then toss in the fried lungs & mix well.
7. Serve with white rice.

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